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Car Insurance Claim Got Denied? Here’s Why and Here’s What to Do.

Car Insurance Claim Got Denied? Here’s Why and Here’s What to Do.

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What To Do if Your Car Insurance Claim Gets Denied

  • What To Do if Your Car Insurance Claim Gets Denied
  • What is a Car Insurance Claim?
  • Car Insurance Claims Dos and Don’ts
  • Car Insurance Claim Denials
  • What To Do In Case Your Claims Get Denied
  • Seek Legal Help

Time and again we’ve been told to get car insurance and we hope that we never have to file a claim. Unfortunately, accidents are unforeseeable events and we find ourselves tangled up in an insurance situation we wish we never were in in the first place. Preparing for the worst is always the best solution to accidents, which is why it is important to know what steps to take and how to navigate the car accident claims system when you find yourself in a vehicular accident.

Car insurance exists in order to provide us coverage and help minimize the costs in an accident, like medical bills or property damage. Filing car accident claims is the first step after having gotten into an accident. This is done usually to settle matters between parties so that the case would never have to go to court. While we would like to imagine that all things would be smooth sailing, sometimes car accident claims do get denied.

Learn what you should do if you find your car insurance claim denied and find out the typical reasons why insurance companies deny a claim. Be mindful of the do’s and don’ts of road accidents to avoid any hassles along the way. Getting into an accident is tough enough, adding rejections and misunderstandings into the mix can get you in a tricky situation.

Seek the guidance and representation of an experienced San Diego personal injury lawyer. The personal injury lawyer can guide you through the ins and outs of personal injury law, explain insurance policy concepts to you, and ensure that you get maximum compensation to restore your quality of living.

What is a Car Insurance Claim?

Before getting into the details of car accident claims getting denied, first you must understand what a car insurance claim is. A car insurance claim is filed by individuals involved in an automobile accident to help settle damages with an insurer, thus avoiding elevating the case to court. The process can get quite complicated which is why it is essential to always maintain proper communication with insurance companies when filing car insurance claims.

If you find yourself in a car accident, remember to call your insurance agent to inform them of the incident. Even as you are sorting the accident or headed to the hospital, it is advisable to put calling your agent at the top of your list. Evidence is key when filing a claim so remember to take pictures on the scene and keep any kind of evidence such as receipts and documents. Being honest goes a long way when filing insurance claims so be truthful at all times, especially when recounting the incident. Your statements go a long way and if found fraudulent, you can find your claim getting denied.

As with any other agreement, take time to digest the coverage’s terms and conditions. Take note of anything that could sound complicated to you, such as replacement coverage and depreciated or actual cash value. Replacement coverage requires replacement of lost or damaged items before getting full compensation.

Talk to a legal professional who is well-versed in personal injury law if some terms are unclear to you. The goal is to get compensation and restore your quality of living. Otherwise, a few mishaps could jeopardize your chances. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer now.

Car Insurance Claims Dos and Don’ts

If you’ve already familiarized yourself with the things to do on the road once you’ve gotten into an accident and filing car accident claims, remember these key actions to avoid when filing. When filing car accident claims, refrain from giving any recorded or written statements until you’ve fully understood the coverage. Do not accept appraisals of losses that the insurer gives as you could be susceptible to low balling.

Do not sign releases and contracts without sound legal advice. Remember to seek the advice of a personal injury attorney whenever you find yourself dealing with documents you don’t understand and are required to sign. Navigating car accident claims can be tricky and without proper guidance from an attorney, you could find yourself in an inadequate settlement. Also, do not accept final payment checks until you are ready. Policies have time limits, so it is best to be mindful of these. Call your personal injury attorney if 11 months have passed and your car accident claim has not been settled. You could lose your right to sue if this happens.

Car insurance policies can be quite hard to decipher. It isn’t advisable to handle it alone, especially if you aren’t that well versed in it. Seek the help of experienced San Diego personal injury attorneys to help you figure out the best plan of action regarding your car accident policy to avoid any hassles and misunderstandings.

Car Insurance Claim Denials

Getting into an accident alone can be incredibly frustrating, but nothing adds salt to the wound unlike finding out that your car accident claim has been denied. When we purchase car insurance, we usually hope that we never ever have to file a claim and once we have, there is an expectation for it to pay off. But sometimes, for whatever reason, claims can get denied.

Learn the top reasons why car accident claims get denied and avoid making these mistakes to ensure that the  filing process is a smooth sailing one so you can sort the accident out and get back to recovering and living life.

One of the top reasons why car insurance claims get denied are the policy limits. Most insurance policies have a limit and if your claim is higher than the coverage limit, the company can deny it. Companies also deny depending on the policy coverage. While there are lots of kinds of coverages, you can only file for one. For example, if you have a comprehensive coverage policy that covers damages such as vandalism and you find yourself in a collision, then your coverage would be denied as this isn’t the policy you have.

Other reasons for having your car accident claims denied is a violation of traffic laws. If you have been found guilty of driving without a license or intoxicated, your claim could also be denied even if you have adequate coverage. If you also fail to immediately report an accident, not seeking medical attention, and providing fraudulent information, you could also find your claims denied.

If you find yourself in a complicated accident claims situation, it is best to consult with a personal injury attorney to help sort things out. Seeking rightful legal advice can help steer you into the right direction and take steps to get your policy approved.

What To Do In Case Your Claims Get Denied

If you find that your claims get denied, contact your state’s insurance department or seek the assistance of a lawyer. Report the claim and collect details from the other driver partnered with accident evidence in the form of pictures. File a claim within your own company and not with the other driver’s insurer. Be sure as well to have detailed estimates for a more favorable claim outcome. Ask from expert mechanics on parts prices.

Seek Legal Help

Dealing with and figuring out car accident policies can be quite complicated. You can find yourself settling for less than what you deserve or sometimes have your claims declined. If you’re dealing with car accident policy complications, contact Benner Law Firm at 714-497-2544 and get in touch with a personal injury attorney to help smoothen problems out. Schedule an appointment now and get the compensation you deserve.

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