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Seasoned San Diego Paralysis Attorneys

Seasoned San Diego Paralysis Attorneys

Paralysis is when a part of your body loses its mobility. It includes both paraplegia and quadriplegia. The level of paralysis will always depend on how bad the injury is and where it is. In California, paralysis is considered a catastrophic injury that could make it impossible for you to ever work again for money. If you were injured because of someone else’s carelessness, you should hire our San Diego paralysis attorneys, who have experience helping people with paraplegia and quadriplegia.

Why Do I Need a Paralysis Attorney in California?

After a serious accident that leaves a person paralyzed, taking care of medical needs is very important. If you hire one of our San Diego paralysis attorneys who works on these cases, we will take care of everything related to your case so that you can focus on your health.

Our experienced paralysis attorney in San Diego can look into your case, determine who is responsible, gather evidence and records, and determine how much money you can get back. When insurance companies are involved, we will talk to them on your behalf and give them any paperwork they need. If we can’t come to a fair and full agreement, we can file a lawsuit to fight for your right to compensation in court.

What is Paralysis?

The loss of strength or mobility in a part of the body is called paralysis. Simply put, it is the loss of muscle function in a part of your body caused by nerve damage and a breakdown in communication between your brain and muscles. Paralysis can be partial or complete, temporary or permanent, and the location of the injury determines the severity.

The following are the common types of paralysis:


small portion of the body is immobilized and has no sensation. Except for that one area, these people usually regain feeling in the majority of their bodies.


A person’s body is wholly or partially paralyzed on one side. This paralysis usually happens after a stroke which an injury can exacerbate.


This form of paralysis affects the entire lower body, including the trunk, legs, and pelvic organs. Many people involved in accidents resulting in spinal cord injuries will experience this sort of paralysis. It can be transitory, but it usually becomes permanent if the individual does not regain some mobility or function after a few months.


Individuals are paralyzed from the neck down, including their arms, trunks, legs, and pelvic organs.

Partial Paralysis

This is where you have some feeling in your body parts and possibly control over the paralyzed muscles.


This is paralysis of the same parts of the body on both sides, such as both arms or both legs.

Complete Paralysis

This describes the full inability to move or control muscles and any loss of muscle sensation.

What Are the Common Causes of Paralysis?

Medical disorders (such as a stroke) or chemical changes in the body can also induce paralysis (such as poisoning). Strokes are the most common cause of paralysis, according to studies.

The second most common cause was spinal cord injury. A spinal cord injury can occur in a variety of ways:

Motor Vehicle Accidents

According to the Centers for Disease Control, over 32,000 Americans yearly are killed (and another two million are injured) in car accidents. Accidents involving motor vehicles are unavoidable, especially in California, where heavy traffic has been the norm.

Plane or Train Crash

Plane and train crashes are less common than car accidents, but the effects can be just as severe. Victims of injuries frequently have a legal claim against the airline or railway. This is why you must retain our skilled paralysis attorney in San Diego, CA, and file a claim as soon as feasible. This is the most effective strategy to protect your legal right to compensation in accidents where insurance coverage is limited.

Work-Related Accidents

Accidents in the workplace can happen no matter what profession you hold. They are, nevertheless, particularly common in the construction business. A personal injury award is frequently far greater than workers’ compensation payouts.

Sports Injuries

Sports injuries provide unique legal issues. In some situations, a player is regarded to have “assumed the risk” of harm since they were aware of the risks of injury yet chose to participate in the game regardless. Based on this reasoning, certain personal injury cases have been dismissed outright. This does not exclude your sports injury case from proceeding. It is critical to have an open and honest discussion with an experienced lawyer about your case’s strengths and flaws.

Birth Injuries and Medical Negligence

Unfortunately, the very medical personnel intended to help you can cause paralysis. Paramedics, for example, are taught to move patients with suspected spinal cord injuries with care. If they do not adhere to these protocols, the injury may worsen, and even a slight injury may result in permanent paralysis. Or maybe a surgeon makes a mistake during a sensitive treatment.

Nursing Home or Other Care Facility Malpractice

Nursing home personnel are another group of medical professionals who can paralyze the patients they are intended to safeguard. Nursing home patients nearly always have physical restrictions, which is why they need help in the first place. If you or a loved one were injured while receiving care at an assisted living home, you may be able to file a personal injury claim against the institution and its providers.

What Are the Typical Symptoms of Paralysis Following an Accident?

It is critical to get medical attention following an accident. For one thing, having a paper trail of your injuries is crucial to the success of your case if you choose to sue the negligent individual. Second, and perhaps more importantly, paralysis does not always occur at the scene of an accident. The injury may take some time to appear. Many patients notice that their symptoms alter over time.

Some paralysis patients will improve dramatically, while others may not, even with excellent medical therapy. Most paraplegics and quadriplegics will continue with their physical treatment to better their situation.

The following are some signs and symptoms of paralysis:

  • Loss of mobility in a part of the body
  • Sensation loss or altered sensation
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control
  • Inability to move limbs below the site of the injury
  • Excessive reflexes or spasms
  • Muscle spasms cause uncontrollable movements
  • Burning or stinging sensation
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Coughing up pulmonary secretions
  • Infections of the lungs
  • Extreme back pain or neck, head, or back pressure
  • Finger, hand, toe, or foot numbness
  • Difficulty walking or balancing

Who Can Be Held Liable for Your Paralysis Injuries?

In California, multiple parties may be held accountable for a paralysis injury. For example, if an employee’s negligence causes your damage, their employer, parent firm, or even insurance company may also be held accountable. Furthermore, even if you are partially to blame for the injury, you may be entitled to compensation under California’s comparative negligence legislation. According to the law, you may collect a percentage of the losses for which the other party is liable. So, if you are 30% to blame for the accident, the defendant must pay you 70% of the damages you would have received if they were completely to blame.

How Will I Know If I Have a Case for Paralysis?

The plaintiff (victim) must prove four elements of negligence:

  • Duty. In the specific situation where the injury happened, the defendant owed a legal duty to the plaintiff.
  • Breach. The defendant violated that legal duty by acting or failing to act.
  • Causation. The plaintiff’s injury was directly caused by the defendant’s conduct or failure to act.
  • Damages. The plaintiff experienced financial losses due to the injuries (medical expenses, loss of wages, pain and suffering, etc.).

The particular scenario in which an accident occurs will define the time a victim has to pursue a paralysis claim under California’s statute of limitations, California Code of Civil Procedure, sections 312 to 366. For example, time constraints may differ when injuries occur in car accidents due to medical negligence or on government property. Our knowledgeable San Diego paralysis attorneys can advise you on how long you have to bring the responsible party accountable.

How Can I Make a Paralysis Injury Claim After a California Accident?

Many accident injuries are painful and expensive, yet they are only temporary. However, paralysis caused by accident might permanently alter a victim’s life. Daily tasks or work can become tough or impossible. Furthermore, recovery from paralysis often occurs within the first six months of the injury, which means it can take time to determine whether or not a person’s condition is permanent.

This is why filing an injury claim for paralysis following an accident is critical. If you were not at fault for the accident that injured you, you have the right to seek compensation for your losses. This begins with making an insurance claim against the negligent party and considering the steps listed below.

Contact Our Paralysis Attorney

When you suffer catastrophic injuries, such as paralysis, as a result of an accident in California, you should call one of our competent San Diego paralysis attorneys as soon as possible. We help ensure that you take the necessary procedures to develop a compelling personal injury claim. You require the financial recovery you are entitled to, and the insurance company will likely fight back before paying out what you are due.

Protect yourself by retaining the services of our skilled paralysis attorney in San Diego as soon as possible.

Seek a Medical Treatment as Soon as Possible

Following an accident, seeing your doctor is critical. They can ensure that you receive the therapy you require immediately, monitor you for changes over time, and aid you in preparing for any future treatment or assistance you may require. Many accident victims are concerned about rising medical expenditures, but paralysis requires immediate treatment to avoid severe complications.

Your insurance claim aims to seek compensation for those treatment costs and associated expenses. Furthermore, seeking care right away can demonstrate to the insurance company that your injuries are serious when you file your claim.

Keep a Record of All Damages

You’ll also need to consider how paralysis would affect your life following the accident. You may encounter:

  • Medical bills for current and future treatment, tests, and hospitalization
  • Wages lost due to time away from work
  • Disabilities and the incapacity to work or live normally
  • Physical therapy, occupational therapy, or rehabilitation
  • The requirement for braces, wheelchairs, or other medical equipment
  • Psychological treatment for your paralysis-related pain and suffering

You have the right to include these damages in your injury claim. While recovering these expenses will not restore your previous life, it will assist you in coping with any new life adjustments and avoiding debt. Making a paralysis injury claim after an accident can help “make you whole” as much as possible, regardless of the circumstances.

The person or party responsible for your paralysis injuries is legally liable for your damages, and filing an injury lawsuit can help hold them accountable.

What Are the Recoverable Damages in Paralysis Injury Cases?

The most important concern for most injury victims is how much they will be able to recover in a personal injury lawsuit. The magnitude of your personal losses determines this. The following are some of the most typical losses for which people with paralysis receive compensation:

Medical Bills, Medical Equipment, and In-Home Care

Medical expenses encompass all past medical bills as well as all estimated future medical expenses as a result of your injuries. Victims are entitled to compensation for medical equipment (such as wheelchairs and breathing machines) and any required in-home care.

Renovations to the Home

Many paralysis patients must modify their houses with ramps or lifts to accommodate their wheelchairs. You may also need to enlarge hallways, install grab bars, and perform other costly house improvements. A customized vehicle or additional transportation arrangements may also be required.

Psychological Consultation

Permanent damage can be catastrophic. The loss of regular physical functions impacts many aspects of your life. Many victims require assistance adjusting to changes in their jobs, marriages, relationships, interests, and identities. This is a reimbursable expenditure connected to your injury.


Almost all paralysis victims will require some form of rehabilitation to cope with their new physical limitations.

  • Occupational therapy can help you regain abilities for everyday chores like eating and writing.
  • Physical therapy can help you regain strength and use other muscles to increase your mobility.
  • Vocational rehabilitation can assist you in learning new skills and finding a job that meets your specific needs.

Other Medical Problems

Many paralysis patients experience several subsequent medical issues. Examples include bowel diseases, loss of bladder control, circulatory disorders, sexual disorders, chronic pain, and depression. Unfortunately, these consequences also mean that many paralysis patients have a reduced life expectancy. You are entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering.

You may be compensated for your reduced life expectancy as well. While this is a difficult loss to prove, it is also a compelling argument to make in front of a jury.

When Should I File a California Paralysis Injury Lawsuit?

The clock starts ticking on critical evidence immediately, so the sooner you call our paralysis attorney in San Diego to investigate your case, the better. Benner Law Firm can assist in determining what occurred. We often connect clients with doctors or transportation to obtain medical care. Because the State of California has a two-year statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim, it is critical to contact our competent San Diego paralysis attorneys as soon as possible.

In medical malpractice cases, you may be given up to three years from the date of the initial surgery or one year from the date of injury discovery. In California, birth injury claims can be pursued until the child reaches the age of 18.

Call Us to Schedule a Free Strategy Session With Our San Diego Paralysis Attorneys

Paralysis is a tragic injury that will have long-term consequences for you and your loved ones. Victims are entitled to substantial compensation for the numerous severe losses they will face. It is critical to deal with our experienced paralysis attorney in San Diego, who can assist you in pursuing every potential source of compensation.

Our paralysis injury attorneys serve San Diego and the entire state of California. Call or email Benner Law Firm to schedule your free strategy session. Many people living with paralysis have had their legal rights protected by our skilled San Diego paralysis attorneys. We will also fight hard for you.

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