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San Diego Private Security Specialist Lawyer

Helping Injured Security Specialists Make a Full Financial Recovery

Working for the U.S. government overseas can be an excellent opportunity to see the world and enhance your career. However, many of these jobs have risks, and employment as a private security specialist might be one of the most dangerous. Security specialists face threats of bodily injury regularly, oftentimes resulting in injury or death.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured due to a lack of adequate security measures, you may be eligible for compensation in a personal injury claim. This also applies to any individual who receives an injury because a property owner fails to provide reasonable security, resulting in injury or death.

Obtaining financial compensation for injuries due to negligent security can be complex with the nuances of California law. However, with the help of a skilled private security specialist lawyer in San Diego, a victim can proceed with their personal injury lawsuit knowing that they have the best chances possible of making a full financial recovery.

When you need to file a negligent security claim, you need look no further than Benner Law Firm. Our team of attorneys can help provide you with answers and counsel on how to proceed with your personal injury claim. We will represent you carefully and tactfully as you seek compensation from the at-fault property owner or the U.S. government. Call 714-497-2544 to schedule a free consultation with our team of legal professionals.

Why Is Working as a Private Security Specialist so Dangerous?

Those who work as private security specialists understand that they risk their lives every day that they come to work. Many security guards and other security employees deal with organized crime and other criminal activity that threatens their safety and well-being. When an employer fails to provide adequate security for their employees, they should be held legally responsible for failing to uphold their duty of care.

Some examples of risky professions that may be classified as a private security specialist include:

  • Security guards
  • Cyber security specialists
  • Security technician
  • Private security contractor
  • Pilots
  • Medical staff
  • Personal security personnel or specialists
  • Military and police trainers
  • Base and tower security (static guards)

If you work in any of the above fields as a civilian contractor and were injured on the job, you may be entitled to compensation for medical treatment, missed time at work, and more. Families of victims who suffered wrongful death on the job or due to premises liability may also qualify for monetary compensation. Call our law firm for a free case evaluation today.

What Should I Do if I’ve Been Injured as a Private Security Specialist?

If you are suffering from injuries sustained at your place of employment, there are a few steps you can take to ensure you get fair compensation in your personal injury case. Some essential steps are:

  • Acting quickly to get appropriate medical treatment. You should not wait to be seen by a medical professional, even if you think you’re fine. Underlying internal injuries may be masked by the adrenaline rush of the incident and could cause permanent damage if not treated quickly.
  • Collect evidence if possible. When the incident occurs, you should take photos of the scene and gather contact information of eyewitnesses. These pieces of evidence may be crucial as you bring a claim in the negligent security case.
  • Contact a San Diego legal professional who is familiar with negligent security claims. Your lawyer can hold the property owner responsible and get you the maximum compensation for medical bills, lost income, mental distress, and more. Having legal counsel on your side can ensure justice is served and you and your family have the financial compensation you need to move on with your life.

What Benefits Am I Entitled To Under the Defense Base Act?

If you provide security and were injured, or if your loved one suffered a wrongful death while on the job as security personnel, you deserve compensation for the pain and medical expenses incurred. However, bringing a claim against an insurance company is usually not sufficient to meet the victim’s many expenses. Insurance companies simply do not understand how complex injury cases work, especially when utilizing the Defense Base Act as a government employee.

A skilled San Diego negligent security lawyer can help you recover compensation for many items in a negligent security claim, including:

  • Medical expenses, such as past and future doctor’s visits, hospital stays, ambulance charges, surgeries, and other bills related to the injury
  • Lost income, wages, vacation time, salaries, and bonuses
  • Decreased income earning capacity
  • Past and future pain and suffering
  • Emotional and mental trauma
  • Wrongful death
  • Catastrophic injury, such as paralysis, blindness, or disfigurement
  • Loss of companionship
  • Funeral expenses, within reason

Why Do I Need a Lawyer When Seeking Compensation Under DBA?

Residents of Southern California who are injured on someone else’s property or while employed overseas by the U.S. government deserve excellent legal representation when pursuing compensation. Having an experienced lawyer on your side can make all the difference when seeking to recover damages from the insurance company, at-fault party, or the government.

Some ways a San Diego, California attorney can help with a liability claim include:

  • Offering legal counsel based on your unique circumstances and advising you on whether to pursue a personal injury lawsuit
  • Gathering evidence to prove your side of the story is correct and to hold negligent employers and property owners responsible for their wrongdoing
  • Negotiating a fair settlement with insurers in San Diego County
  • Seeking compensation for economic damages and non-economic damages when your employer or a property owner failed to provide a safe environment
  • Filing proper claims with the civil court or through the Defense Base Act
  • Representing you in court and protecting your legal rights

If you need to take legal action as a victim or family member, call our legal team right away to see if you have a valid claim based on negligent security measures.

Should You Hire Our San Diego Private Security Specialist Attorney?

If you or your loved one is suffering because of an accident due to someone else’s negligence, you need help from our legal team to recover damages. When an injury occurred on the job or at a negligent business owner’s property in San Diego, CA, you have legal options. Our attorneys will investigate the details of what happened and help you decide how to proceed with your case.

You can turn to our legal team for help with negligent security cases that deal with civilian matters or must go through the DBA. We understand how important it is to have the financial support you need as you move on from this devastating experience. We will stand by your side to get you the medical care you need and recover damages.

Negligent security claims are tough cases that require legal prowess and finesse. You can trust the liability lawyers at Benner Law Firm to get the results you need. Call 714-497-2544 today for a free consultation and strategy session.

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