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Mass Torts Lawyer in San Diego

Helping Clients Recover Damages in Full

Some personal injury victims experience great pain and suffering because of the negligence or wrongdoing of an individual. Other times, a company or organization exhibits neglect or unscrupulous practices that harm many others. When a large group of people has been affected by a large organization’s mistakes, the victims could be compensated through a mass tort claim or a class action lawsuit.

Need help filing a class-action suit? Our San Diego mass torts attorney helps California residents get compensated for their injuries due to product liability, medical malpractice, and other accidents. Benner Law Firm is a San Diego law firm specializing in California personal injury cases. Whether you have a claim against a large corporation or if you have experienced a car accident or a dog bite, we have the experience you need to win your case!

You can rely on us to help you through every step of the process. Our team of attorneys has spent years handling personal injury cases, including mass torts and class action lawsuits. We understand the nuances of California law and are determined to fight for your best interests no matter what obstacles arise. We will handle your claim properly from start to finish so you receive all the compensation you deserve. Call 714-497-2544 to start your free case evaluation today!

What Is a Mass Tort Claim?

Mass tort cases arise when many individuals are affected by the same circumstances. Multiple plaintiffs might suffer because of a company’s negligence or wrongdoing and may seek compensation for their injuries. Mass tort litigation can result in compensation for a wide range of injuries, including serious injuries and death.

Some examples of mass torts lawsuits include:

  • Faulty medical devices
  • Negligent security
  • Dangerous drugs
  • Explosions
  • Pollution
  • Commercial plane crashes
  • Unscrupulous business tactics
  • Fraud
  • Environmental disasters

When a mass tort case comes before the judge, it is typically through multidistrict litigation. This means that one judge will hear from multiple plaintiffs and assign fair compensation based on the judge’s decision. A mass tort claim is similar to a class action lawsuit; however, with a mass tort case, one lawyer represents multiple plaintiffs. Reach out to our mass tort lawyers today to discuss your unique needs.

How Do Class Action Lawsuits Work?

When a large company takes advantage of customers, employees, or other large groups of people, the affected victims may be able to take action through a class action lawsuit. This can be much more affective than a single plaintiff bringing an individual claim, as it recovers damages for the entire group that was impacted by the organization’s negligence or unscrupulous practices.

Class action lawsuits are similar to mass tort cases but are handled differently in the legal world. While a mass tort claim involves multiple plaintiffs each bringing their own lawsuit, class action lawsuits occur when the entire class of individuals are represented as one entity. Mass torts offer some benefits, such as customized complaints and representation. However, class actions allow plaintiffs to combine their resources and use strength in the number of individuals making claims against the responsible parties.

If you have further questions about starting or joining a class action lawsuit, please reach out to our San Diego, California mass torts attorneys. We can help you identify the best path toward recovering damages and will assist you in building your case, including gathering evidence and representing you with confidence.

Why Do I Need a San Diego Mass Tort Lawsuits Attorney?

For the many people who are injured due to the same defective product or devastating incident, there is legal help available. A mass tort is a single action, often a negligent one, that results in the pain and suffering of many people. These kinds of cases often show up regarding product liability, medical malpractice, or other related personal injury claims, bringing together multiple plaintiffs and mass tort lawyers to get justice. The Benner Law Firm is experienced in mass tort law and can assist you in seeking retribution as part of a group of others who suffered injuries like yours.

Our mass tort attorneys can help in many ways, including:

  • Evaluate your unique case based on years of experience handling mass tort claims
  • Offer legal advice regarding how to proceed with your mass tort lawsuit
  • Hold parties accountable for their actions by bringing mass tort claims against negligent companies that cause severe injuries
  • Investigate the details of the incident to provide evidence that victims deserve compensation

Obtaining compensation for an injury can be complicated and confusing. It may be tempting to just take the offered settlement and walk away. However, hiring a San Diego mass torts lawyer can maximize your compensation and help you move with confidence into a bright new future. If you’re seeking legal help with your injury claim in California, contact our San Diego personal injury and Defense Base Act attorneys today by calling 714-497-2544.

What Compensation May I Recover in a Mass Tort or Class Action Lawsuit?

Our San Diego mass torts lawyer helps class members with similar injuries bring class action lawsuits and victims of negligent large corporations recover damages for their injuries. Whether you are one plaintiff or represent a large group of victims, we can assist you in getting the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Some benefits that you can claim in a mass tort case or class action lawsuit include:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Doctor’s visits
  • Hospital charges
  • Ambulance costs
  • Specialist’s visits, including chiropractors
  • Funeral and burial expenses, within reason
  • Lost income, wages, vacation time, and bonuses
  • Past and future pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma
  • Mental distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Disability benefits for temporary, permanent, partial, and total disabilities
  • Compensation for loss of companionship if your spouse died

If you or a loved one has suffered because of a company’s or individual’s negligence and many others have suffered similar damages, you may be eligible for compensation in a class action lawsuit or mass tort claim. Our attorneys will fight on your behalf to hold the at-fault party responsible and get you and your family the money you deserve.

Class actions and mass torts bring the financial assistance that victims deserve in a way that individual lawsuits may not. Our lawyers have been serving San Diego for many years, giving us the insight and skill to recover damages in San Diego mass tort cases and class action lawsuits. We promise to fight tirelessly to get you the money you deserve so your family can move on to a new, brighter future.

Should You Hire Our San Diego Mass Torts Lawyers?

A common type of mass tort claim is known as a class-action lawsuit, and these suits can offer compensation and valuable peace of mind to victims of injury. If you have been hurt due to a defective product, medication, or traumatic incident, you’ve come to the right place. Our San Diego mass tort attorneys and accident lawyers will represent you with tenacity and compassion, helping you rebuild your life after a tragedy.

Craig S. Benner, Esq. has many years of experience in personal injury law in San Diego, and you can count on him to put your mind at ease and apply his hard-earned skills to get the results you deserve in your case. When you’re hurt through no fault of your own, you should not be expected to shoulder the personal, psychological, or financial burdens all on your own. The Benner Law Firm is here for you.

Want to learn more about mass torts in San Diego and how our firm can help you get back on your feet again? Contact our San Diego mass torts lawyer by calling our office at 714-497-2544 and ask for your free case evaluation today.

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