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San Diego Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Helping Clients Make a Full Financial Recovery

If you or a loved one is suffering from a personal injury caused by another person’s negligence or wrongdoing, you may feel frustrated and confused about what to do next. Many personal injury victims think the only option they have is to pursue compensation from the other person’s insurance company. However, the insurer is unlikely to fully compensate you for past and future suffering, lost time at work, and other critical damages. You can seek maximum compensation when you hire a personal injury attorney to bring a personal injury claim against the at-fault party.

For those who have suffered catastrophic injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, blindness, loss of limb, disfigurement, or other devastating injuries, it is even more important to bring a personal injury claim to recover damages for the lifelong suffering you may experience. California law permits additional compensation for a catastrophic injury when it is a permanent disability or affects a person’s daily life. Family members of victims of fatal accidents also deserve to seek compensation for the trauma, pain, and suffering of losing their loved one because of someone else’s negligence.

Our accident attorneys understand how devastating it can be for accident victims whose lives will never be the same. The personal injury attorneys at Benner Law Firm in San Diego, CA, will present your case confidently as you seek compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. We can negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company and will work tirelessly to get you the money you deserve for the catastrophic injury that never should have happened. Whether your injuries result from a car accident, workplace accident, medical malpractice, slip and fall, or any other incident, we can help. Call 714-497-2544 right away to speak with our team of personal injury lawyers in a free case evaluation.

How Are Catastrophic Injuries Defined Under California Law?

Catastrophic injuries are not technically defined in California law. However, an experienced personal injury attorney can help you recover damages when they exceed the typical injuries of car accidents or other accidents. Judges in the California system recognize that certain devastating injuries will impact a person’s life permanently, preventing them from getting employment or enjoying their life as they did before the accident.

Some examples of catastrophic injuries in San Diego personal injury cases include:

  • Traumatic brain injury, which may lead to memory loss, learning disabilities, or permanent mood disorders
  • Spinal cord injury, such as damage to the back or neck that results in paralysis or devastating pain
  • Dismemberment or limb amputation
  • Blindness or loss of hearing
  • Burn injuries, including scarring or disfigurement
  • Dog bites
  • Construction accidents, such as falls and head injuries
  • Wrongful death

Many additional injuries could be considered catastrophic if the person is unable to obtain gainful employment or has permanent disabilities preventing them from enjoying their life. If you are suffering from a serious injury that was caused by another person’s recklessness or negligence, you may be eligible to recover compensation in a catastrophic injury claim. Call our San Diego office right away to learn more about how our experienced attorneys can help.

What Are Some Common Causes of Catastrophic Injuries?

Many different accidents cause catastrophic injuries in San Diego. Regardless of the type of accident, it is essential to prove that you were not at fault when seeking financial compensation. An experienced attorney can gather evidence that another party is responsible, helping you successfully recover compensation.

Some types of accidents that typically cause serious injury include:

Call our law firm right away for a free consultation to discuss the possibility of collecting compensation for your injuries in a personal injury claim.

What Compensation Am I Owed for My Catastrophic Injuries?

Personal injury claims vary depending on the amount of damage done and who was at fault. In many catastrophic injury cases, the insurance company fails to offer a fair initial settlement. However, the injured person may walk away with far more if they hire personal injury lawyers to help them maximize compensation.

A personal injury law firm in San Diego can help victims recover fair compensation for many types of damages, including:

  • Past and future medical bills
  • Specialist visits, including chiropractor visits
  • Surgical procedures
  • Medical equipment, such as a wheelchair
  • Other medical treatment
  • Lost wages, salaries, vacation time, and bonuses
  • Decreased income-earning capacity
  • Damages for catastrophic injury
  • Emotional damages, such as trauma, mental distress, depression, anxiety, and PTSD
  • Funeral expenses, within reason
  • Punitive damages if the at-fault party violated the law or purposefully caused you harm

Unfortunately, most insurance agents fail to recognize the importance of future medical expenses and non-economic damages, such as emotional distress. An experienced personal injury lawyer can negotiate a far better settlement or help you pursue damages in a personal injury case.

What Should I Do if I’ve Been in an Accident in San Diego?

If you have been in an accident, there are a few critical steps you should follow to ensure your safety and help you recover financially following the incident:

  • Contact the authorities, including ambulance services and the police. A catastrophic injury claim often depends on the police report to accurately describe what happened.
  • Get immediate medical attention, even if you don’t think you have been seriously injured. Some underlying injuries are not noticeable at first but may result in permanent damage if left untreated.
  • Document the details, such as taking photos of the accident scene, gathering contact information of eyewitnesses, and keeping track of medical records.
  • Hire skilled San Diego personal injury lawyers to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

Experiencing an accident can be traumatic and confusing. If you are an accident victim, please act quickly to care for yourself and other injured victims. Contact the authorities immediately to ensure the truth is brought forward. You should also speak with a lawyer right away to get the legal counsel you need.

Should You Hire Our San Diego, CA, Catastrophic Injury Attorneys?

At Benner Law Firm, we have been practicing personal injury law for many years. We understand the nuances of the complex California legal system and know how to get positive results for our clients. We are dedicated to seeking maximum compensation for San Diego residents who are suffering from catastrophic injuries due to another person’s negligence or recklessness.

Our legal team can help ensure you get the medical care you need while handling the legal aspect of your case so you can focus on resting and recovering. We care about making each client feel heard and important. We will communicate effectively throughout the legal process so you can participate in each decision and know what to expect.

A catastrophic injury can take its toll on the victim and their family physically, emotionally, and financially. We can help you recover compensation so you don’t have to face the future in fear. Call our team of experienced personal injury attorneys today to speak with us in a free consultation. You can reach us at 714-497-2544.

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