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Types of Defective Product Liability Claims

Types of Defective Product Liability Claims

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Most of the time, the products we use around the housework well and serve their purpose. We don’t worry about those things hurting us or our families. However, sometimes a defective product makes its way onto the marketplace and results in injuries. Just about anything can be dangerous: our vehicles, our cosmetics, our household appliances, and so many more. And because there are so many different types of injuries, that arise out of so many different circumstances, the legal realm of product liability can be confusing.

Depending on your unique circumstances, your San Diego product liability attorney will advise you on the best type of claim to file, so you can recover damages for your suffering. You may also be included in a mass tort, or class action, claim.

Product liability lawsuits often fall under one of three categories:

Defective Manufacture

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