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Overseas Government Contractor Lawyer

Representing Government Contractors Who Have Been Injured

Millions of Americans live overseas at any given time, and many of these individuals are employed by the United States government through federal government contracts. Government contracting can allow a person to experience a new culture, see the wonders of the world, and still provide for themselves and their families. Whether this employment includes interpretation, foreign military sales, military base operation, or other government contracts, the work government contractors do helps the United States operate its formidable military force.

However, working for the military has its risks. Many federal employees become injured or ill due to the nature of their professions in other parts of the world. Some experience traumatic incidents that cause mental distress, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. Government contracts law protects these people and provides benefits, including medical benefits, disability payments, and death benefits. At this critical time, it can be extremely helpful to hire a knowledgeable lawyer who understands the various legal ramifications of the False Claims Act, the Defense Base Act, and other regulations. Your attorney can help you successfully file a claim and get the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

If you or a loved one is looking to file a claim for an injury you got overseas, please call our law firm immediately. Our San Diego overseas contractor lawyer is dedicated to helping those injured abroad while under government contract. With a focus on providing military and civilian contractors with the most affordable, effective representation possible, Benner Law Firm provides high-quality legal representation to help you get the best outcome for your claim. Call 714-497-2544 now to find out how to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries!

Why Do I Need a San Diego Overseas Government Contractor Attorney?

If you are a civilian worker serving overseas under a government contract, you deserve the best legal counsel and representation possible. Here at the Benner Law Firm, we are committed to giving you personalized attention and experienced guidance for your California personal injury case. We are familiar with the complex laws surrounding overseas government contractors and have the skills to easily navigate the Defense Base Act (DBA).

Our lawyers can help navigate complex requirements of compliance programs, avoid issues with the Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and perform other duties such as:

  • Offer excellent legal counsel based on our decades of experience
  • Help you determine the best way to handle your benefits claim, contract appeals, and more
  • Protect you against contract disputes
  • Handle bid protests on your behalf
  • Manage trade agreements, including following legislation in the Trade Agreements Act
  • Protect your intellectual property while employed under a government contract
  • Gather evidence to prove you deserve maximum coverage for your injuries
  • Submit your claim to the proper federal agencies for the best chance of approval
  • Represent you when dealing with investigating government agencies

When you are injured on the job, as part of a government contract for public works or defense-related work, you should always seek the appropriate medical treatment first, but don’t forget to reach out to an overseas civilian contractor lawyer afterward! Call 714-497-2544 for legal help from experienced San Diego personal injury and defense base act lawyers today!

What Is the Defense Base Act?

Defense Base Act (DBA), which Congress enacted in 1941, is essentially an extension of the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act of 1927. While there are many personal injury firms out there, not many are familiar with how the Defense Base Act really works and how workers can successfully recover compensation through this act.

Very broadly, the DBA provides workers’ compensation protection and medical treatment to civilian employees working in government contracts outside the United States on US military bases or under a contract with the U.S. government for public works or national defense.

The Defense Base Act covers civilian government contractors working outside the United States, usually under a contract with the US government for public works or in US military bases for national defense purposes. Should workers get injured in the scope and course of their employment, this act ensures they get medical treatment and compensation protection.

At the Benner Law Firm, our California overseas civilian contractor lawyers can take a look at your case. Call us at 714-497-2544, and a member of our team will be glad to assist you.

 Why Is the Defense Base Act Important for Government Contractors?

Those who plan to work overseas as a civilian employee, in foreign military sales, or in government contracting will find many opportunities available. However, these opportunities have unique risks that one must fully understand and adequately prepare before signing any employment contract. Not many are familiar with the twists and turns of the Defense Base Act and how it can significantly help civilian workers serving overseas under a government contract.

Despite the noble goal of the Defense Base Act, numerous insurers still deny federal claims made by civilian contractors. A dedicated San Diego personal injury attorney can help you obtain the benefits you need and, if applicable, secure additional settlements against insurance companies that wrongfully deny your claim through contract appeals.

No one would picture themselves filing an injury claim under the Defense Base Act. However, accidents can occur even for the most experienced and cautious government contractors or operators. If you do get injured, or worse, your loved one is killed, you need someone who has the knowledge and expertise to fight for your rights and get the compensation you deserve through the DBA claims process. Call us at 714-497-2544 to schedule a free strategy session with our skilled government contracts attorneys.

What Is the Nature of Overseas Civilian Contractor Jobs?

Because overseas civilian contractor jobs are unique, specific laws apply only to eligible contractors. The Defense Base Act protects the workers’ compensation rights of overseas contractors working for companies under contract with the Department of Defense, the United States military, or under public works or the Foreign Assistance Act.

It is essential to remember that civilian contractor jobs overseas differ from civilian jobs within the country. Even as a civilian, working on military bases comes with risks that are unique to the job. Threats to personal safety are exceptionally high in hot spots, such as ground zero for a natural disaster or a known war zone.

For example, a security contractor is at the same risk as a soldier stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan, or other similar areas. While military and civilian contractors perform different duties, both generally have the same risks working in the same place.

For many people, civilian contractor jobs overseas open plausible career options. Others are driven by a desire to help make a difference in the world through contracting for public works or foreign assistance. For others, a willingness to help our country and the promise of adventure from a high-paying overseas job were difficult to resist. For some, becoming an overseas civilian contractor is the next logical step as a retired military service member. Regardless of your reason, however, and no matter how much you would want to avoid injuries of any sort, unfortunate things do happen. Call us at 714-497-2544 to know how we can help.

How Can Civilian Contractors Use the Defense Base Act?

Annually, several cases go through the rigorous investigation and prosecution of Defense Base Act claims before the U.S. Department of Labor. If you are an employee of a civilian contractor injured while working in Kuwait, Afghanistan, or Iraq (or any other country covered by the DBA) under a US government contract, you may be entitled to file a benefit claim.

Similarly, suppose your claim for death benefits was denied because the employer or carrier characterized the death of your spouse as arising from natural causes. In that case, you may be entitled to benefits based on the Zone of Special Danger Doctrine.

Civilian contractors play a significant role in the country. By serving companies with government contracts worldwide, they help further the mission of the US government, contribute to protecting its interests, and assist in building and securing its embassies.

If you have sustained an on-the-job injury due to a severe accident or have suffered from post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), you need a legal professional who can fight for you and help you protect your legal rights. Call us at 714-497-2544 and consult with a competent and compassionate San Diego, CA, overseas civilian contractor attorney today.

What Benefits Does the DBA Provide for Overseas Civilian Employees?

The Defense Base Act covers civilian employees working outside the United States. They are usually on US military bases for national defense purposes or under a contract with the US government for public works and related engagements. It was meant to provide medical treatment and compensation protection for workers injured in the scope and course of employment.

Part of the benefits covered by the DBA is certain medical benefits, including medical treatment that is payable for as long as the illness or injury requires. Medical care must be related to the employment illness or injury, but it may be from a physician of choice.

If applicable, lifetime disability benefits may include rehabilitation services for permanently disabled employees in the United States. Permanently disabled employees who cannot return to work without assistance may also avail of vocational rehabilitation services. In case of death, death benefits would include burial expenses up to a certain extent.

Please schedule a consultation by contacting our San Diego personal injury attorneys. We will work closely with you to obtain what you deserve and maximize your financial compensation.

What Steps Are There in the Claim Filing Process?

Filing federal claims is notoriously complicated and can require a great deal of experience and finesse to accomplish your goals. Working with our skilled group of attorneys is one of the best ways to ensure you have a high chance of approval from the various government agencies that handle these cases. Our legal team can help you gather and submit evidence to prove you deserve the most money possible under the law, including medical benefits, compensation for lost income, decreased earning capacity, catastrophic injuries, and death benefits for surviving family members.

Some of the main steps in filing a claim in a government contracting situation include:

  • Getting immediate medical attention from trusted doctors and keeping documented records of each visit
  • Notifying your employer about your injury so they can submit an incident report that backs up your story about what happened
  • Filing a DBA claim immediately

Contact Benner Law Firm right away to learn more about the protection you are owed as an overseas contractor through the Defense Base Act. We will make the most of your government contracts and carry the legal burden so you can focus on resting and recovering.

How Can Hiring Government Contracts Lawyers Help Me with My Claim?

Individuals suffering from an injury often think their only recourse is to file a claim with the insurance company. However, insurers rarely cover the wide range of expenses that victims require. For example, non-economic damages, such as mental distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and emotional trauma are often not covered in an insurance claim. Insurance companies may also fail to recognize future expenses when paying victims.

With an attorney on your side, you can rest assured that you will recover the maximum damages allowed under the law. At Benner Law Firm, our years of experience handling DBA claims has given us insight into the nuances of the government agencies that handle claims regarding government contracts. We use this knowledge and skill to get our clients maximum compensation and handle the legal details so victims can focus on being with loved ones and recovering from their injuries. Call today to learn how we can help you.

What Legislation Affects Claims for Individuals with Government Contracts?

Our seasoned government contracts lawyers understand the nuanced and multifaceted world of international law, including regulations such as:

  • Service Contract Act
  • Defense Base Act
  • Federal Contract Compliance Programs
  • Export Administration Regulations
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
  • Contract Disputes Act
  • Procurement Integrity Act
  • Trade Agreements Act

We advise clients regarding their rights and responsibilities, whether they are dealing with internal investigations or the Court of Federal Claims. We understand how U.S. law operates for individuals working within foreign governments and fight tirelessly to represent clients’ best interests and fight for the most positive outcome possible.

 Should You Hire Our San Diego Overseas Civilian Contractor Lawyers?

Government employers are required to carry insurance coverage through the DBA to protect the medical and workers’ compensation needs of their entire crew. Engaging in strenuous or dangerous work, as many civilian contractors do, comes with its fair share of risks. If you’ve been hurt on the job site, you may be entitled to compensation, including medical treatment and wage reimbursement. The friendly and knowledgeable team here at the Benner Law Firm can take a hard look at your case and illuminate the best course of action so you can get back on your feet again soon.

We are proud to offer personalized and attentive legal services for overseas civilian contractors and their families, and we are based in San Diego, CA. When you need legal help that you can count on, reach out to our firm today and ask for your free consultation.

Our San Diego personal injury attorneys can also help you if you’ve been involved in a car accident, slip and fall, boating accident, and more. We also assist clients who are overseas workers who were injured while working in US defense bases, as well as in Iraq and Afghanistan. Call 714-497-2544 to get legal help today!

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