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San Diego Back Injury Attorney

San Diego Back Injury Lawyers

Back injuries can happen in a variety of ways. At Benner Law Firm, our skilled San Diego back injury lawyers assist back injury victims who have been injured as a result of an accident or the negligence of others.

The severity of back injuries can have serious financial consequences, as well as effects on one’s ability to work. Traumatic injuries can have serious and possibly permanent effects, such as disability, disfigurement, paralysis, or even death.

We can help you pursue the justice and compensation you deserve. If you want to discuss your case, call our San Diego personal injury law office today to schedule a consultation.

Injured on the Road?
Call our car accidents lawyer in San Diego, CA to get compensated for your injuries.

Why Do I Need Back Injury Lawyers in California?

If you have suffered a back injury due to someone else’s negligence, you must seek the assistance of our knowledgeable San Diego back injury lawyers. There are numerous reasons why you should contact one of our San Diego back injury lawyers after suffering a back injury.

We can assist you in obtaining fair and just compensation for your injuries. We can also assist you in protecting your rights and ensuring that the person who has caused you catastrophic injury is held accountable.

Our law firm’s back injury lawyers have extensive experience representing clients injured in back and spinal cord injury cases. We recognize the unique difficulties that our accident victims face, and we are committed to fighting for their rights.

Benner Law Firm has a proven track record of success in obtaining favorable outcomes for our back injury victim clients in personal injury cases. Please do not hesitate to contact our firm if a back injury has injured you or someone you care about.

We will provide a free strategy session to assess your case and answer any questions. Please contact us immediately to learn how we can assist you in receiving fair compensation.

What is Considered a Back Injury?

Back injuries can be caused by a variety of factors. “Injury” refers to bodily damage, and “back” refers to the region of the body from the neck to the tailbone. Mild strains and sprains can progress to more serious conditions such as herniated disks, chronic pain, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, brain injury, and wrongful death.

Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter or prescription medication, physical therapy, or injections depending on the cause and severity of your back pain. Surgery is usually recommended only for severe back pain that does not improve with other treatments.

What Are the Most Typical Back Injuries After an Accident?

Following an accident, you may sustain a variety of back injuries. Some injuries are more severe than others, but you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Any back injury, if left untreated, can lead to serious complications. The following are the most common types of back injuries:

  • Strains: When a person makes a jerky movement, a small tear in the back muscle occurs, resulting in light bleeding and swelling.
  • Sprains: Sprains are caused by overstretching of the muscles along the vertebrae and are more common following incorrect lifting or sports movements.
  • Herniated Discs: When the discs in your vertebrae bulge out of place, they can compress the nerves surrounding the spine, causing pain, numbness, and tingling.
  • Spondylolisthesis: This type of injury occurs when a vertebra slips out of your spine’s natural curve.
  • Compression Fractures: These small vertebral fractures result from too much stress on the bone.
  • Sciatica: Sciatica refers to pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve, from the lower back through the hips and buttocks and down each leg.
  • Torticollis: Torticollis occurs when your neck muscles cause the head to turn and rotate to one side
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: This severe injury is commonly caused by trauma and occurs when spinal cord nerve connections are disrupted, frequently resulting in severe consequences such as paralysis.
  • Sacroiliitis: Sacroiliitis occurs when one or more of your sacroiliac joints become inflamed.
  • Cervical Impingements: Cervical impingement can occur when one or more vertebrae are blocked, resulting in pain and loss of mobility in the affected area.

An accident can affect your back in a variety of ways. It is always best to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Obtaining immediate medical attention can also help you build a personal injury claim. You’ll need documentation outlining the extent of your injuries as well as the long-term effects they may have on your life.

What Should I Do After I Sustain a Back Injury?

Back injuries are the most common cause of disability and wrongful death in many accidents. Back injuries can result from both the force of the impact and the sudden jolting or twisting of the spine. Following an accident, you should take the following steps.

Seek Medical Attention Right Away

Even if you do not feel injured, seeking medical attention as soon as possible after being involved in an accident is critical. Some back injuries may not be noticed for hours or even days after the accident.

Obtain All of the Required Information for the Personal Injury Claim

Obtain the other party’s contact and insurance information if possible. Most of the time, filing a claim with the other party’s insurance company is the quickest way to get paid for your injuries. Look for witnesses and get their names and contact information.

These witnesses can testify about what they saw in a car, bicycle, motorcycle, or truck accident, which can aid in establishing liability in a personal injury case.

Make No Statements About the Accident Unless You Have Legal Counsel

It is best not to discuss the accident with the other party or insurance company. Before making any statements about the accident, it is best to consult with one of our skilled San Diego back injury lawyers, as anything you say could be used against you later.

Call the Police

Request that the police investigate and write a report. This ensures that all details are recorded and that you have a strong personal injury case if you need to sue.

Photograph the Accident Scene

Photograph the scene of the accident, your injuries, and the vehicle. While filing a lawsuit, these documents may demonstrate how severely you have been harmed.

Seek the Advice of a Competent Personal Injury Lawyer

Back injuries can cause lifelong pain and suffering, as well as costly medical bills. If you were in an accident and suffered a back injury, you must seek legal counsel as soon as possible. Our qualified San Diego back injury lawyers can assist you in understanding your rights and filing a claim for compensation.

Insurance companies will frequently try to settle claims quickly and for far less than they are worth. Our skilled back injury lawyers will fight for the full value of your claim, ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve.

When Can My Back Injury Lawyer Pursue Compensation?

If your back injury was caused by another person’s negligence or intentional actions, our San Diego back injury lawyers can file a claim to seek compensation. Some examples of negligence are:

  • Distracted driving
  • Failure to make a rental property safe for tenants
  • Inadequate medical care
  • Failure to recall dangerous products
  • Unsafe working conditions

Furthermore, people’s deliberate actions can cause your back injury, making them liable for your damages. Here are some examples:

  • Assault
  • Roughness in team play that is excessive
  • Driving an unsafe vehicle
  • Unsafe driving

How Can I File a Back Injury Claim?

Because back injuries will incur a lot of expenses, you should consult with one of our competent personal injury lawyers about filing a claim. You may file a personal injury claim against the responsible party and their insurance company if they are partially or entirely to blame for your back injuries.

Filing a personal injury claim is not difficult. In most states, it is as simple as filling out an online form like this one and paying the filing fee. Other rules specific to your city or state may apply. Our knowledgeable San Diego back injury lawyers understand the rules and will file your claim correctly. The tricky part is determining the worth of your claim.

We will request a settlement from the defendant’s insurance company once the value of your claim has been estimated. We will negotiate the amount if the insurance company agrees to the request but disputes the amount. If the company refuses to compensate you, our San Diego back injury lawyers will take the case to court.

Documenting the Injuries You Sustained

To file a personal injury claim, you must first have your injuries diagnosed and documented. When requesting a settlement, our personal injury lawyers will present your medical report to the responsible party’s insurance company, or we will present it in court if an amicable settlement cannot be reached.

Calculating the Value of Your Back Injury Claim

Compensation for back injury claims typically includes economic and non-economic damages, commonly referred to as ‘compensatory damages.’ Past and future medical bills, lost wages, and lost future income are all examples of economic damages.

Medical Bills Past and Future

The severity of your injuries determines these. They include ambulance, transportation, hospital stay costs, medications, rehabilitation, x-rays, other tests, physical therapy, and surgeries. The cost of herniated disc surgery for patients without insurance can range from $20,000 to $50,000, and the cost of spinal cord surgery can range from $50,000 to $150,000, depending on the type of surgery.

Wages Lost

These are calculated by reviewing your employment and salary history, as well as the amount of work missed, including vacation and sick time.

Lost Future Earnings

This is calculated using a complex formula that considers your projected earnings as well as the impact of your injuries on your ability to perform any type of income-generating work.

Pain and Suffering

The monetary value of pain and suffering is calculated using a pain multiplier, which divides the damages by a fixed number ranging from 1.5 to 5.

Emotional Distress

You may include emotional distress in your claim if the injury has had a negative psychological impact on your daily life.

To file a claim, the other party must be at least 50% at fault. The settlement reflects the percentage of guilt. For example, if you are found to be 40% guilty, 40% of the settlement will be deducted.

Injured on the Road?
Call our car accidents lawyer in San Diego, CA to get compensated for your injuries.

What Type of Evidence Do I Need to Backup My Back Injury Claim?

When you decide to hire one of our San Diego back injury lawyers, we will assist you in gathering various types of evidence to build a strong injury claim against the defendant. You’ll need the following types of evidence:

  • Medical expenses and records describing the nature and extent of your injuries.
  • Eyewitness testimony (preferably in writing) from those present at the accident.
  • A police report if the police came to the accident scene.
  • Photographs or video of the accident scene.
  • Expert testimony from medical professionals who can forecast the impact of your back injury on your life in the future.
  • A personal journal detailing your physical, mental, and financial suffering since the accident.
  • Documentation of lost wages and time away from work.
  • Testimonials from friends and family who can attest to your personal and financial losses and their effects on you.
  • Receipts for repairing or replacing damaged property, such as your car.

Gathering these pieces of evidence can be difficult at times. You may have difficulty contacting the hospital or the police department, and you may be unsure where to find medical professionals who can testify to the long-term consequences of your injuries.

Our professional San Diego back injury lawyers can assist you in gathering this evidence and relieving your stress as you prepare your financial compensation claim.

What is the Time Limit for Filing a California Back Injury Claim?

Most personal injury claims have a two-year statute of limitations from the date of injury. You must file a lawsuit within two years of the accident due to the statute of limitations. If that time has passed and you have not filed a suit, the defendant can dismiss the case without paying you anything.

It is critical to begin negotiations before then so that you have enough time to file a lawsuit if necessary. Other deadlines you must meet before the statute of limitations will apply in some cases. If you are suing a government entity, you must give them notice of your claim within six months of the accident.

Failure to do so may result in the dismissal of your case, even if you file the lawsuit within the required time frame. You must speak with our personal injury lawyer about your case as soon as possible. First and foremost, we will be able to identify any relevant deadlines. Second, we will begin collecting any evidence that may be required for your claim.

Call Our San Diego Personal Injury Law Firm Today

If you or a loved one has suffered a back injury in an accident, you should contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. You have a legal right to be compensated for losses caused by someone else. The sooner you hire a lawyer, the better your legal rights will be protected. You do not have to scour the state for the best back injury lawyer.

Our accomplished San Diego back injury lawyers at Benner Law Firm understand how to handle back injury cases. We have obtained numerous settlements for our clients in San Diego and California. We negotiate reasonable settlement offers and, when necessary, file lawsuits and fight aggressively in court.

Call us to schedule a free strategy session with one of Benner Law Firm’s skilled San Diego back injury lawyers.

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