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San Diego Chest Injury Attorney

Chest Injury Attorney in San Diego, California

One of the most commonly reported injuries from car accidents is damage and trauma to the chest. If you’ve suffered a chest injury from a catastrophic accident, you’ll need legal help as soon as possible to get you the compensation you deserve. Our experienced San Diego chest injury attorney will ensure that you get the maximum compensation possible to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and the pain and suffering you’ve endured.

Benner Law Firm proudly serves clients throughout San Diego, Chula Vista, San Diego County, Escondido, Oceanside, El Cajon, and California.

Injured on the Road?
Call our car accidents lawyer in San Diego, CA to get compensated for your injuries.

Chest Injury Symptoms: How Do I Know that I Have a Chest Injury?

Even if you sustained trauma to the chest, you may not immediately notice the effects. There are also situations when your chest injury is very evident. Below, we list the most common symptoms of a chest injury that require immediate medical attention:

  • Upper abdominal pain,
  • Coughing blood,
  • Chest cavity not expanding when taking breaths,
  • Difficulty breathing,
  • Throbbing chest pains, and
  • Sharp chest pains

How are Chest Injuries Treated?

Chest injuries can involve fatal internal damage or mild bruising. Treatment can include rehabilitation or surgery depending on the extent of the damage.

Untreated injuries are possibly life-threatening. A physician can make sure that your body can function properly after a car accident.

Medical expenses can pile up in the aftermath of a car accident. It’s important to be properly compensated especially if the accident was caused by another party’s negligence. Our savvy San Diego chest injury attorney will go after the negligent party so you can focus on your rest and recovery. Call our office now to learn more!

Chest Injury Statistics: How Likely Am I to Sustain a Chest Injury?

According to the CDC, there are 2 million people who sustain injuries from car accidents all over America in a year. Another 32,000 receive fatal injuries. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that chest injury is the most common issue after a car accident.

There are many things that come into play when asking about the likelihood of a chest injury but the two main ones are the type of crash and your age.

Type of Crash

Car accidents are primarily categorized as rollover or non-rollover, the latter of which is further classified based on the location of impact. A rollover accident simply means that the automobile tipped over on its side or the roof.

NHTSA says that chest injuries for drivers are most common in both rollover and non-rollover vehicle accidents with left-side impact. It is least common for drivers to sustain chest injuries from a right-side non-rollover accident.


Older drivers are more likely to suffer chest injuries from automobile accidents compared to younger drivers. Drivers in the age range of 16-24 are the least susceptible to chest injuries versus accident victims from other age groups.

Injured on the Road?
Call our car accidents lawyer in San Diego, CA to get compensated for your injuries.

What are the Common Causes of Car Accident Chest Injuries?

No matter the likelihood, everyone is vulnerable to accidents. Here we list down the most common reasons for sustaining chest injuries from car accidents.


Airbags were made to protect passengers in the event of an accident. There are two possible ways for an airbag to cause a chest injury. Children and older passengers are at greater risk to sustain such injuries from these devices.

The first is just from the course of its normal function. Airbags deploy with great force that can cause trauma to the chest. This may have protected you from a potentially more threatening injury, but still, damage your chest.

Another reason may be that the airbag is defective. Such product defects can cause the airbag to fail to deploy or cause debris and shrapnel to fly around the vehicle.


Glass and shrapnel can be launched all over the car that can lodge in your chest. If the debris penetrates deep enough, it can compromise your rib cage and place your trachea, heart, and lungs in a vulnerable state.

Side Panels

If the accident affects the left or right side of the vehicle, the side panels may fold in and damage your chest.

Steering Wheels

If you’re not properly strapped in while driving, you run the risk of a blunt force trauma to your chest from the steering wheel. It is at the perfect height to align with your chest and the rigid steering column can cause immense damage upon impact.

Seat Belt

Seat belts can mean life or death in an auto accident. However, if the car crashes or comes to an abrupt stop, the seat belt can cause abdominal and chest injuries as it tightens to secure you. This does prevent you from ejection, but it can cause swelling, bruising, or abrasions to your chest. At worst, they may also fracture your sternum and ribs.

You need a proper assessment of your injuries to ensure you’ll receive appropriate medical treatment. Our experienced San Diego chest injury attorneys are here to ensure you get access to the best medical interventions possible. If you’ve been injured in a car accident in San Diego, call us today!

Can I be Compensated from a Chest Injury from a Motor Vehicle Accident?

Injuries to the chest might take weeks or months to recover. The rehabilitation process can be excruciatingly painful, preventing individuals from engaging in routine activities. In some situations, chest injuries might result in temporary or permanent disability, resulting in a loss of income and earnings for the accident victim. An automobile accident victim who files a personal injury lawsuit may be able to obtain compensation from the liable party for a chest injury.

It is important to know what your legal rights are. Here are some of the damages you may be entitled to:

  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Embarrassment
  • Scarring
  • Disfigurement
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages
  • Disability
  • Transportation
  • Rehabilitation
  • Medication
  • Hospitalization, and
  • Surgery

Call our Trusted San Diego Chest Injury Attorney

If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury in your chest from a car accident, get in touch with us today! Our experienced chest injury attorney from the Benner Law Firm can help you evaluate your case and help you make a prudent and informed decision.

We have law offices serving San Diego, Escondido, Chula Vista, El Cajon, San Diego County, and Oceanside, California. Call us at 714-497-2544 or contact our skilled chest injury attorney here to schedule a free consultation today!

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