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Hip Injury Lawyers Serving San Diego, California

California Hip Injury Attorney

Hip injuries are among the toughest injuries to heal from. Hip injuries can be excruciatingly painful, and recovery time might be protracted. The hip bones and muscles enable humans to walk, sit, stand, and turn. A hip fracture can be physically and emotionally difficult to manage. Hip injury rehabilitation may be painful, time-consuming, and expensive.

If you or a loved one has had a hip injury, we can assist you. Our skilled hip injury lawyers in San Diego are committed to assisting auto accident victims in recovering compensation for their injuries. Our team has vast experience in dealing with auto insurance providers. We negotiate aggressively on behalf of our clients to secure the best possible settlements.

When required, we battle aggressively for our clients in civil cases involving personal injury. Contact Benner Law Firm immediately to book a free strategy session.

Why Do You Need Hip Injury Lawyers in California?

Whether caused by a slip and fall, a truck collision, or a motorbike accident, a hip injury has lasting effects. It may limit your capacity to work and result in lost pay. Considering the medical expenses you’ll incur for therapy, this can be very devastating. We can immediately begin working on your personal injury claim if you retain one of our skilled San Diego hip injury lawyers. Here are a few of the ways we may assist you:

  • Assess the chances of your case
  • Collect evidence
  • Negotiating with insurance firms
  • Get you a fair settlement
  • You’re represented in court
  • Get you the greatest compensation possible

Our knowledgeable San Diego hip injury lawyers collaborate with specialists who are well-versed in hip injuries and can give insight into the medical care, operations, rehabilitation, or therapies you may require to regain hip strength and mobility. In other instances, we must also consider whether a client will ever be able to return to the same field of work or any area of employment.

This helps us obtain a complete and accurate picture of your workers’ compensation award. If your employer’s insurance carrier fails to provide information or dismisses your claim for any reason, we are prepared to file an appeal and assist you in pursuing compensation.

How Does the Hip Work?

The acetabulum, which is part of the hip joint, is where the ilium, ischium, and pubis connect to create the hip. The hip joint is located between the femur, the major leg and body bone, and the acetabulum of the pelvis, and its primary role is to support the body’s weight while a person is standing still, walking, or running. The hip joint is the body’s most crucial component for maintaining balance.

If you or a loved one has suffered hip injuries due to a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, slip and fall, or other personal injury accident, please call our competent hip injury lawyers immediately.

What Are the Common Accidents That Can Lead to a Hip Injury?

hip injury lawyers

Hip injuries and related consequences can be caused by a variety of factors. In many instances, these reasons will allow victims of injuries to seek compensation. For instance, our San Diego hip injury lawyers assist individuals in recovering damages in situations involving:

Personal Injury

Accidents involving vehicles, trucks, construction sites, buildings, and watercraft are frequent causes of hip injuries. If you fractured your hip in any form of accident, you might be eligible for compensation for your injuries.

Defective Products

Product-related accidents are another prevalent cause of hip injuries. Bad stair treads and handrails, defective brakes, and defective safety devices are just a few of the many hazardous goods that can cause and contribute to hip fractures.

Medical Negligence

Unfortunately, medical negligence is a legitimate issue for accident victims with hip fractures. Not only may a misdiagnosed or delayed diagnosis result in irreversible injury, but failing to avoid infections and other consequences can also result in increased financial expenses, pain and suffering, and other losses.

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What Will Be the Possible Complications Related to Hip Injuries?

A typical cause of hip injuries is a forceful twisting, direct impact, or compression motion on the pelvis. These are most frequently observed in slip-and-fall occurrences and vehicle accidents. Below are the possible complications of hip injuries.

Hip Fractures

Fractures of the actual hip socket or other joint components are the most frequent hip-related injury. Different types of hip fractures exist. There are three primary types of hip fractures, and each has its rehabilitation challenges and dangers of complications:

Femoral Neck Fractures

The most prevalent kind of severe hip injury is a fracture of the femoral neck. The femoral neck, which is positioned close to the hip joint, is the weakest part of the hip bone and one of the most sensitive places to trauma.

Intertrochanteric Hip Fractures

A fracture of the intertrochanteric region of the hip occurs lower down the bone. While intertrochanteric hip fractures are less common than femoral neck fractures, they may provide more treatment and rehabilitation issues.

Intracapsular Hip Fractures

Intracapsular hip fractures are the most serious type of hip injury and also the most challenging to cure. These injuries include a fractured hip ball-and-socket joint. In addition to immediate medical care, long-term rehabilitation is crucial for optimizing the recovery of accident victims.

These fractures are frequently painful and challenging to adequately cure. You may need a major operation, maybe a hip replacement. Hip dislocations are also possible, although they often mend without the need for intrusive operations.

Nevertheless, dislocations can be quite painful. If you incurred a hip injury because of the negligence of a third party, talk with one of our experienced San Diego hip injury lawyers to determine how to pursue compensation.

Gluteus Medius Tears

A Gluteus Medius tear, also known as hip rotator cuff tear, occurs when the gluteus medius muscle is subjected to considerable tension, resulting in a partial or total muscular rupture. This is a major muscle responsible for maintaining a level pelvis during walking and lower-body movement. It coordinates lateral hip mobility and stabilizes the joint.

If you have sustained significant hip injuries, please contact us to determine if you are eligible for compensation.


Bursitis is a typical injury resulting from blunt force trauma. It is characterized by inflammation of the fluid-filled sacs, which causes excruciating discomfort. It may take a while to manifest after the hit and is difficult to detect.

In extreme situations, however, steroid injections, physical therapy, or surgery may be required. If you have suffered an accident and want to seek compensation, please contact our San Diego personal injury law firm to schedule a free strategy session.

Avascular Necrosis

Avascular Necrosis is cell death that results from the lack of blood supply to the bones. In the lack of a sufficient blood supply, the tissue dies and the entire bone might collapse. If the damaged bone is close to a joint, the joint may also collapse. Avascular necrosis can damage any bone, although the ends of long bones (such as the upper leg at the hip) are statistically at a greater risk.

Labral Tears

Labrum refers to the fibrocartilage ring encircling the hip joint. It deepens the socket, seals the joint, and reduces the pressures delivered to the joint to protect it. A torn labrum can result in pain in the groin, the side of the hip, or the front of the hip. Typically, walking, rotation, and impact workouts such as running exacerbate discomfort.

The pain can occur at any time of the day or night and is often accompanied by locking, catching, or clicking.

Our personal injury attorneys have also represented accident victims with a range of other hip injuries, such as:

  • Broken hip
  • Arthritis of the hip caused by an accident
  • Snapping hip
  • Tendinitis
  • Muscle strains and sprains
  • Dislocation
  • Facet joint syndrome
  • Hip flexor injuries

Hip injuries are more painful than other forms of accident-related injuries and can have a significant influence on the accident victim’s quality of life. Hip injuries frequently incur large medical expenses, and the treatment process for hip injury patients is sometimes lengthy and difficult. Contact our personal injury attorney immediately if you or a loved one has suffered a hip injury due to the carelessness or negligence of others. Hire our skilled San Diego hip injury lawyers for experienced legal assistance and to obtain the compensation you deserve.

What Should You Do If You Are Injured Without Your Own Fault?

If you sustained a hip injury in an accident that was caused by someone else, you may be eligible to file a personal injury claim to seek financial compensation for your losses. You can safeguard your rights by:

  • Seeking immediate medical assistance and carrying out your physician’s instructions
  • Asking other relevant parties for their contact and insurance details
  • Requesting the contact details of available witnesses
  • Writing down all you can recall regarding your injury
  • Photographing obvious injuries such as bruises
  • Save all documentation for medical bills and any injury-related costs
  • Avoid discussing your issue with anybody other than your doctor or attorney
  • Avoid publishing or sharing on social media during the duration of your injury claim
  • Contact one of our knowledgeable San Diego hip injury lawyers for a free strategy session

Is Hip Replacement Covered by Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

The workers’ compensation benefits you get for a hip injury should cover all necessary medical procedures. However, the insurance company might contest what is “required.” If you are contemplating hip replacement surgery, the insurance company will likely argue that it is not necessary, and they may be correct if you cannot prove otherwise.

Because hip replacement surgery is inherently dangerous, many physicians only advocate it as an absolute last choice. To keep their patients out of the operating room, physicians frequently exhaust every alternative hip therapy. Treatments for hip injuries other than hip replacement surgery include:

  • Surgical restoration of tendons and muscles or bone fusion, but no total replacement
  • Medications used to relieve pain and restore some mobility
  • Injection therapies that promote healing, such as those that involve blood platelets
  • Solutions employing medical apparatus such as walkers and wheelchairs

The workers’ compensation insurer may argue that any other treatment choices are evidence that complete hip replacement surgery is unnecessary. As an unneeded or optional therapy, workers’ compensation would not cover it.

What Are the Possible Compensations for a Hip Injury Claim?

With a successful claim for a hip injury, you can seek compensation for the following accident-related losses:

  • Expenses incurred for the treatment of your hip injury
  • Because of your hip injury, you are likely to suffer future medical bills
  • Incidental expenses, such as transportation to medical visits or the purchase of durable medical equipment
  • If you are forced to miss time at work while you heal, you will incur lost wages
  • If your hip injury produces a long-term disability that prohibits you from returning to your regular employment, you will have lost future earning potential
  • The subjective expenses of your suffering and loss of quality of life

How to Seek Compensation Following a Hip Injury?

If you or a loved one suffered a hip injury in a car accident, sports accident, or due to the actions or carelessness of another person or business, you may be eligible to file a hip injury claim to seek compensation for your loss. Treatment and rehabilitation for hip injuries are sometimes extensive and quite expensive. Therefore, it is essential to seek compensation for damages if you think you were not responsible for your hip injury.

Our professional hip injury lawyers in San Diego can guide you through every step of the legal procedure, aid you in obtaining treatment, and help you seek compensation for hip injuries. After incurring hip injuries in a vehicle accident, sporting event, or fall, you may choose to file a personal injury lawsuit or claim workers’ compensation, especially if the incident occurred on the job or if you’re seeking treatment for your injuries. In San Diego personal injury cases, you may be able to recover a significant amount of damages and continue your rehabilitation.

Numerous accident victims and hip injury patients in California have been assisted by the skilled hip injury lawyers at Benner Law Firm in obtaining compensation for their physical, psychological, and financial damages.

How Can Our Skilled San Diego Hip Injury Lawyer Help?

Whether caused by a slip and fall, a truck collision, or a motorbike accident, a hip injury has lasting effects. It may limit your capacity to work and result in lost pay. Considering the medical expenses you’ll incur for therapy, this can be very devastating. We can immediately begin working on your personal injury claim if you retain one of our skilled San Diego hip injury lawyers. Here are a few of the ways we may assist you:

  • Assess the chances of your case
  • Collect evidence
  • Negotiating with insurance firms
  • Get you a fair settlement
  • You’re represented in court
  • Get you the greatest compensation possible

After enduring an accident, you may feel as though everyone is against you. Your insurance company, the accident’s perpetrators, their attorney, and even the court will be notified. If you retain our hip injury lawyers, we will protect your interests. Your hip injury has already caused you a lot of hardship. If you are suffering from an injury caused by another party, let us handle your case so you may focus on healing. Contact us immediately to arrange a free strategy session.

Our Qualified Hip Injury Lawyers Are Always Ready to Help You

Our professional legal team at Benner Law Firm can assist you in pursuing compensation for hip injuries resulting from activity-related events, accidents, and other structural deficiencies. Our legal office is located in San Diego. In addition to hip injuries, our broad legal team knows various other legal areas, such as wrongful death, truck accidents, job injuries, and motorcycle accidents.

Call our San Diego personal injury law firm or fill out our online contact form to get a free strategy session with one of our experienced hip injury lawyers if you have any concerns about your case.

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