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San Diego Hit And Run Accident Attorneys

Hit and Run Accident Attorney in San Diego, California

car accident can have long-lasting consequences in your life. If you’ve been hit by a negligent driver, you can suffer serious injuries, exorbitant medical bills, lost income, and emotional distress, among many others. If the driver leaves the scene of the accident, it can be a much more challenging experience.

If the driver at fault is present, then you can easily file a personal injury claim to get compensated for the damages. But hit-and-run accidents make it difficult to identify the responsible party, which in turn makes it difficult to recover compensation. If you find yourself in such a situation, our dedicated San Diego hit-and-run accident attorney can help you get the financial compensation you deserve.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a hit-and-run, our skilled attorneys at the Benner Law Firm are at your service! We will handle everything from identifying the driver responsible and talking to the insurance companies, so you can focus on your recovery. Get in touch with our law firm to schedule a free strategy session with us and find out how to file your California personal injury claim today!

What are the Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer?

Hit-and-run cases can be complicated. A knowledgeable lawyer can be the difference between receiving compensation and getting no financial assistance whatsoever. They can increase your chances of holding the wrongdoer accountable for their negligence. Here are some more reasons why you should hire a lawyer for your hit-and-run personal injury claim.

Lawyers Make the Process Easier for You

It is difficult to know all the things you need to file a personal injury claim unless you spend a lot of time and energy to know. This can be more complicated while you are still recovering from an accident. Our attorney will evaluate your case, lay out all your options, and handle the legal end while you focus on your way to recovery.

Personal Injury Lawyers Deal with Insurance Companies Regularly

Personal injury attorneys can also assist you in dealing with insurance companies, which are likely to pay the least amount possible. Insurance companies will frequently offer you a low-ball settlement to persuade you to leave, or perhaps try to avoid paying for your claim entirely.

No matter the image they present, insurance companies are businesses. They are motivated by profit more than anything else. It’s not uncommon for them to utilize dirty tactics such as claiming the accident did not cause your injuries or outright discrediting your injuries. Experienced personal injury attorneys are familiar with these tricks and understand how to beat them so you can get compensated for your injuries.

Lawyers Know the Law

This one is a given. Personal injury attorneys spent years studying the law and applying them in real cases. This wide body of knowledge is indispensable in building your case in civil court. A knowledgeable attorney will evaluate the case, its unique scenario, and use it to argue why you deserve the compensation.

What if the Other Driver Denies Involvement?

This is one of the most important reasons for hiring an attorney. A savvy personal injury lawyer will work with law enforcers to find the driver that hit you and bring them to justice. They can also help you understand whether your insurance covers such cases so you can get reimbursed.

What if the Other Driver Does Not Get Caught?

If the driver responsible for the accident does not get caught, that does not mean that you can’t get monetary compensation. Many insurance companies automatically add underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage for members getting new policies. This means that your insurance will pay for a hit-and-run as if the driver stayed but did not have their own insurance.

A smart attorney can find a way to get you compensation for the damages you’ve incurred. Get in touch with our San Diego personal injury law firm today to get started on your road to recovery.

What if the Insurance Company Does Not Act in Good Faith?

As mentioned previously, insurances are all about profit and making money. Some would rather lose one or two customers if that means they can keep more money for themselves in the long run. Profit will always be insurance companies’ priority. It is not uncommon for insurance companies to deny coverage for hit-and-run injuries, even if it is covered under your policy! For such cases, it is best to let an attorney handle it ASAP.

With the help of our skilled hit-and-run accident attorneys, you can prevent insurance companies from cheating you out of money. They are familiar with all the tricks that these insurance companies employ and avoid common traps that will cause you to lose out on compensation. It’s best to talk to a lawyer first before talking to an insurance adjuster so you can avoid their devious tactics.

Don’t get tricked by insurance companies. Get in touch with our compassionate car accident attorney today and schedule a consultation.

Call Our Experienced San Diego Hit-and-Run Accident Attorney Today!

No one knows when an accident can happen. All of a sudden you may find yourself facing catastrophic physical injuries, unending medical treatments, outrageous medical bills. On top of this, you lose income from your recovery time, and you can potentially lose more if your injuries affect your livelihood, not to mention the pain and suffering you had to endure all because someone else was careless while on the road. Your situation is made all the more difficult by the other parties involved, such as a missing driver or an uncooperative insurance company.

Keep your peace of mind by hiring our experienced San Diego Hit-and-Run accident attorneys at the Benner Law Firm. Each case is unique. We will make sure to take into account your unique circumstances to build your case and increase the chances of a favorable verdict. Our attorneys have years of experience combined with exclusive boutique firm service that delivers great results while prioritizing attorney-client partnerships.

For a personalized and compassionate legal representation, call our San Diego personal injury law firm today and schedule our strategy session.

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