Foot Injury Attorney

San Diego Foot Injury Lawyer

Foot Injury Attorney in San Diego, California

If you or a loved one has suffered a foot injury, you know how debilitating and painful it can be. Foot injuries can make it hard for you to walk, work, and enjoy your life.

The experienced foot injury attorneys at Benner Law Firm understand the unique challenges that foot injury victims face. We have represented many clients who have suffered foot injuries, and we know how to get you the compensation you deserve.

The Benner Law Firm has a proven track record of success in foot injury cases. We have a deep comprehension of the medical and legal issues involved in these cases, and we will fight tirelessly to get you the compensation you need and deserve.

If you or a loved one has been injured on foot, don’t hesitate to call us for a free consultation. We will review your case and help you understand your legal options. Let us put our experience to work for you.

Injured on the Road?

Call our car accidents lawyer in San Diego, CA to get compensated for your injuries.

Why do I need a Foot Injury Lawyer in California?

When finding a foot injury attorney in California, there are several qualities you should look out for.

  • You want an attorney experienced in handling foot injury cases. This way, you can be confident that they will know how to best approach your case and get you the compensation you deserve.
  • You will need an attorney knowledgeable about the laws in California related to foot injuries. They will be able to help you get through the legal system and make sure your rights are protected the whole time.
  • An attorney who is compassionate and understanding. This is especially important if you hurt your foot badly enough that you can’t walk and are in a lot of pain.

At the Benner Law Firm, we are proud to say that we meet all these qualifications and more. We have been handling foot injury cases in California for many years, and our experienced attorneys are dedicated to getting our clients the best possible outcome.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a foot accident, we encourage you to contact us today for a free case evaluation. We would be happy to review your case and discuss your options with you.

What is Foot Injury?

A foot injury generally refers to any trauma or damage occurring to the foot. This includes anything from a simple sprained ankle to a more severe fracture. In some cases, foot injuries can even lead to amputation.

You may be entitled to workers compensation if you have suffered a foot injury. A foot injury attorney with experience can look at your case and help you get the compensation you deserve.

If you live in California, it is valuable to note that the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is two years from the date of the accident. Therefore, seeking legal assistance as soon as possible is crucial since you only have a limited time to file a claim.

Common Cause of Foot Injury in Vehicle Accidents and Workplace Accidents

There are many potential foot injury hazards in the workplace and on the road. Some of the most common causes of foot injuries can include the following:

Stress from repetitive motion

If your job requires you to do the same actions repeatedly, it may lead to stress and strains, which may deteriorate over time and result in serious injuries.

Lack of proper equipment

Lack of proper equipment can also contribute to foot injuries at work. For example, if you have a standing job but no pad to stand on, your lower body may eventually start to hurt. And without the proper footwear, impact on your legs can also cause injuries.

Overextension of your knee, ankle, or foot

Overextension of your knee, ankle or foot can occur with even the tiniest movement. What may seem like a little ache at first could be something more serious, like a ruptured ligament or tendon.

Falls due to trips and falls

Falls are another common type of foot injury in the workplace. Tripping over a ripped carpet, raised concrete, or any other object can result in a knee-high fall or a foot or ankle sprain.

Lifting and carrying heavy objects

It is a common cause of foot injuries because our feet are not designed to support the weight of heavy objects. The stress of lifting and carrying can cause the foot to collapse. This can lead to bruising, swelling, and pain. In severe cases, the foot may be completely broken.

Vehicular Accidents

Foot injuries are some of the most common injuries sustained in car accidents. When you’re involved in a high-speed collision, your feet and ankles are especially vulnerable. The force of the impact can cause significant damage to the bones, muscles, and tendons in your feet.

Injured on the Road?

Call our car accidents lawyer in San Diego, CA to get compensated for your injuries.

Common Foot Injury

Muscle Injury

Unfortunately, foot muscle injuries from car accidents are common. The foot’s muscles, tendons, and ligaments can all be damaged in a collision.

For instance, a sprain occurs when the ankle joint is overstretched. This often happens during a car accident when the force of the impact tears or strains the ligaments. Surgery may be necessary to repair the damage.

Heel Spur Syndrome

If your employer requires you to stand or walk for long periods, you may be at risk of developing heel spur syndrome. This condition can be extremely uncomfortable and make it difficult for you to do your job.

Hammer Toes

Having hammer toes may make you eligible for workers’ compensation. The cause of this condition is your toe becoming bent in an inverted V shape, which can be very painful and make it difficult for you to stand or move around.

Functional Foot Imbalance

Developing functional foot imbalance is another reason to be entitled to workers’ compensation. An ankle injury, knee injury, or pain that gets worse over time causes this condition.

Compartment Syndromes Of The Foot

Compartment syndromes of the foot can happen from workplace, industrial, agricultural, warehouse, and auto accidents. Heavy objects that crush or hit the foot can cause severe foot injuries that often result in extreme pain. If someone else’s carelessness caused you to hurt your foot, you may be able to get money for it.

The foot has several compartments. Muscles, nerves, and tendons fill these membrane-lined compartments. When the foot is injured, muscular tissue often bleeds, creating swelling. The membrane lining has restricted expansion. If fluid and muscle grow inside a compartment, they may exceed blood flow in and out.

If compartment pressure rises too high, nerves and muscles get pinched and stop working. This can lead to permanent nerve damage and loss of muscle function.

Lisfranc Injury and Metatarsal Fractures

Lisfranc injury is a catastrophic injury that commonly affects the metatarsal bones located in the middle of the foot. They can be broken or dislocated by stepping unevenly, a fall, or in vehicular accidents. Most injuries require surgery, and the healing process can take several weeks or months.

Heel fracture (Calcaneus)

These fractures usually occur in car and work accidents when a force fragments the heel bone. The bone must be reattached with metal and screws. This technique reduces the risk of severe arthritis and improves rehabilitation. If a bone is crushed, it may need to be fused. After surgery, the foot must be immobilized for three months and rehabilitated.

What to Do If a Workplace Accident Causes a Foot Injury?

After a workplace foot injury, you may not know what to do next. You may feel overwhelmed, but it’s imperative to take some steps to ensure the best possible outcome for your case.

Notify your employer and supervisor

You must notify your employer and supervisor of the accident. If you’re unable to do so, have a coworker file the initial report. Be sure to include necessary details such as what happened, where, when, who was involved, and who witnessed the accident.

Get medical help

You must seek medical help. Your employer’s workers’ comp insurance carrier may have a network of doctors that they prefer you use, but it’s ultimately up to you to find the care you need. Speaking with a doctor after a workplace injury will strengthen your case.

File a workers’ compensation claim

After getting medical help, you may wonder how to file a workers’ compensation claim. The first step is to request the necessary paperwork from your employer. You’ll need to provide the same information you gave in your initial injury report.

Consult a lawyer

Once you have the paperwork, you may want to consult with a lawyer. Filing for workers’ compensation is risky, and several dangers might make it difficult to collect compensation. Having legal representation will help protect your claim from these frequent issues.

What to Do If a Vehicular Accident Causes a Foot Injury?

If you or a loved one has suffered a foot injury resulting from a vehicular accident, it’s vital to know what to do to protect your legal rights.

Seek Medical Attention

The first step is to seek medical attention for you and any passengers. Not only is this important for your health, but it will also prove that you were hurt.

Evidence gathering for a personal injury claim

Once everyone has been seen by a medical professional, you can begin gathering evidence for your auto accident claim. This evidence will include pictures of the accident scene, the police report, and pictures of your injuries (if available).

Keep tracking of your medical expenses

Establish to keep track of all medical costs, lost wages, transportation expenses, and any new or increased household costs when submitting your claim.

Get yourself legal help

An experienced foot injury attorney can offer assistance in gathering the necessary evidence and ensuring your rights are protected. Don’t hesitate to seek legal help if you or someone you love has been injured in a foot accident.

California’s at-fault law

If you were harmed in a car accident or at work in California, you might ask yourself if you have a case. The circumstances of the collision and whether you can prove the cause was carelessness influence the answer.

In California, drivers are typically held responsible for car accidents. This means that the driver who caused the accident should pay for the victim’s medical bills and any damage to their property.

If you think you might have a case, you should speak with a personal injury attorney right away. An experienced foot injury lawyer will tell you if you have a case and what your next steps should be.

Damages in a Foot Injury Accident Claim

After suffering a foot injury in an accident, you may speculate the kind of damages you can claim in a personal injury case. In California, foot injury victims may be able to recover a variety of things, such as:

  • Medical costs, incuding the price of upcoming medical treatment
  • Loss of income
  • Loss of ability to earn or work
  • Loss of perks from employment
  • The cost of installing handrails, wheelchair ramps, and other adjustments
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress

If you were injured in an accident that was not your fault, you should consult with a foot injury attorney to discuss your legal options. An experienced attorney can help you understand the types of damages available to you and fight for the compensation you deserve. Don’t wait to get started on your case-contact a foot injury lawyer today.

Evidence for a Foot Injury Claim

When you’ve been injured in a car accident or workplace accident, you may be wondering what kind of evidence you’ll need to support your claim.

Several types of evidence may be used in an automobile accident claim in California. These include health records, medical expenses, photographs, dashcam or surveillance video footage, accident statistics, witness accounts, and reports by expert witnesses.

Your attorney will make every effort to submit all available evidence supporting your claim. However, time limits restrict how long accident victims can pursue a claim. The statute of limitations in California is two years from the accident date for claims involving auto accidents. So, consult with a foot injury attorney as soon as possible after your accident.

Call our San Diego Foot Injury Attorney Now!

Dealing with a foot injury can be incredibly frustrating. If you’re dealing with an injury preventing you from working or enjoying your usual activities, you may be questioning what your next steps should be.

Dealing with insurance companies can be difficult, and you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Our experienced San Diego foot injury attorneys can help you get the compensation you deserve.

We have a proven track record of success in California foot injury cases, and we’re here to help you on every step. Contact us today for a free consultation. We’ll review your case and help you understand your options.


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Benner Law Firm, PC
409 Camino Del Rio S., Suite 106, San Diego, CA 92108, USA


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Tue: 8:30AM - 5PM
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